The pic above is for those of you wondering about the children back at home. Matilyn and Matthew are having fun playing with their cousin Alexis on the slip & slide. However, we know that they are having difficulty with us being gone. Please continue to pray for Lani as she has 4 children under 5 yrs. of age in her care, and 2 of them are missing their parents. Many thanks to Lani and Nina for all that you are doing to keep them safe and sound while we are here. You are blessings and we love you!!!
Another amazing morning in Taitung! Really wish we could spend more time here, but have to get our boy home and make him a US citizen, not to mention being with Matilyn and Matthew again. I see a family trip to Taitung in the future. This morning we had a great breakfast in our hotel and then were picked up by Luke, Deana, and Andrew to go to change his household registry. That was quite the experience, as we were the talk of the whole entire office. That includes the agents as well as those there to change their hh registry. We had many people helping us by the time it was all over. We must have been quite the spectacle! LOL! Then we headed off to meet the doctor who referred Andrew to Morninglight. We also met his wife who is a very sweet woman. We are going back to see them later this afternoon for some photos. They were saying that they would like for us to adopt them as well. LOL! Precious couple. Then we took a quick trip to see the ocean. It was beautiful, and VERY hot weather! Then we went to pick up Pauline and the children and headed to lunch. Family style Chinese! Let me tell you, this was some of the most incredible food I have EVER eaten!! Simply amazing. Andrew LOVED the rice and watermelon, which is some of the sweetest any of us have ever tasted! Now we are back at the hotel where we have had a little play time. Jarrod is holding Andrew, who is falling asleep in daddy's arms. Such a precious boy. Our newest little blessing. Our hearts are full, and we are so thankful for all that the Lord Jesus has done for us! And yes, Carol, it's JUST like the Isrealites coming out of the desert, and the promised land is SO worth it all. We love you guys and thank you for your prayers!

Deana, Anna, Anita, and Andrew at the beach
Amphitheatre at the beach
Temple near the beach
Our boy LOVES sticky rice! LOL!
The best lunch EVER...the food was still coming...Delicious!!!
That was just precious!!! What a happy boy!! So glad you guys are having such a great time. Will be praying for AIT appointment!
Oh my! He's so sweet. His laugh totally reminds me of Matthew when he was littler. AWWW!!!!!!!!!!!
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